User List sorted by date joined / updated

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Date joined Last updated FirstNameSorted descending LastName Organization Country
2014-05-29 - 13:28 2014-05-29 - 13:28 Zulema Abraham USP Brazil
2014-08-20 - 12:53 2014-08-20 - 12:53 Tomas Ignacio Staig alma Brazil
2014-05-05 - 10:05 2014-05-05 - 10:05 Thijs de Graauw USP Brazil
2014-11-17 - 19:51 2014-11-17 - 19:51 Shinichiro Asayama NAOJ Chile
2015-04-15 - 21:15 2015-04-15 - 21:15 Ruben Soto ALMA Observatory Chile
2014-05-28 - 14:22 2014-05-29 - 15:37 Rodrigo Reeves Universidad de Concepcion Chile
2014-05-28 - 16:01 2014-05-28 - 16:01 Roberto Mengato IAG-USP Brazil
2014-05-20 - 14:36 2014-05-29 - 17:39 Ricardo Finger Universidad de Chile Chile
2014-05-29 - 12:54 2014-05-29 - 13:37 ricardo morras iar Argentina
2014-08-29 - 14:16 2015-05-21 - 21:18 Pedro Paulo B. Beaklini   Brazil
2016-02-05 - 18:07 2016-02-05 - 18:07 Paulina Unanue Universidad de Concepcion Chile
2015-12-01 - 12:03 2015-12-01 - 12:13 Patricio Galeas Universidad de La Frontera Chile
2015-07-02 - 14:14 2015-10-09 - 22:23 nicolas duronea IAR Argentina
2014-08-20 - 03:04 2014-08-20 - 14:49 Matías Mora NRAO USA
2014-05-16 - 18:38 2017-03-10 - 20:03 Marcelo Arnal CONICET, CICPBA Argentina
2014-08-22 - 00:59 2014-09-03 - 01:44 Leandro Manuel Garcia Electronic Engineer Department: Inst. Arg. de Radioastronomía (IAR-CONICET) Argentina
2015-05-28 - 11:09 2015-05-28 - 11:09 Klaus Willmeroth Vertex Antennentechnik Germany
2014-04-23 - 02:45 2015-10-04 - 17:01 Juanjo Larrarte Inst. Arg. de Radioastronomía Argentina
2015-03-02 - 15:56 2015-03-12 - 21:11 Juan Pablo Garcia   Chile
2014-08-20 - 03:02 2014-08-20 - 14:45 Juan Perez CRAAM/UPM Brazil
2014-05-29 - 13:29 2014-08-20 - 14:45 Jose Garcia   Brazil
2014-09-12 - 18:02 2014-09-12 - 18:02 Jorge Avarias NRAO USA
2014-05-28 - 12:11 2014-05-28 - 12:11 Jorge Ibsen JAO, ESO Chile
2014-05-29 - 13:28 2014-05-29 - 13:28 Jacques Lepine University of Sao Paulo Brazil
2014-04-22 - 03:47 2014-04-29 - 05:17 Jacob Kooi Caltech USA
2015-04-16 - 21:02 2015-04-16 - 21:02 Jaap Baars MPI Radioastronomy, Bonn Germany
2014-04-16 - 21:01 2014-05-29 - 20:17 Guillermo Giménez de Castro Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Brazil
2015-08-11 - 01:52 2015-08-11 - 02:39 Guillermo Gancio Instituto Argentino de Radioastronmía Argentina
2014-04-30 - 14:27 2014-08-28 - 13:03 Fernando Pablo Hauscarriaga Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía Argentina
2014-08-22 - 01:28 2015-03-06 - 14:16 Federico Bareilles IAR Argentina
2015-05-12 - 12:36 2015-05-12 - 12:36 Fatima Correra Escola Politécnica da USP Brazil
2014-09-13 - 15:37 2014-09-13 - 15:37 Enrique Hurrell IAR-CONICET Argentina
2015-09-10 - 12:37 2015-09-15 - 21:30 Emiliano Rasztocky Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía Argentina
2014-04-22 - 12:07 2014-04-22 - 12:07 Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino IAG-USP Brazil
2014-09-12 - 20:58 2017-04-01 - 16:08 Danilo Cezar Zanella IAG/USP Brazil
2015-03-02 - 13:45 2015-03-02 - 19:47 Cristina Elisabet Cappa IAR + FCAG, UNLP Argentina
2014-09-16 - 13:18 2014-09-16 - 13:28 Claudia E. Boeris IAR Argentina
2014-04-16 - 15:42 2020-08-19 - 18:47 Cesar Strauss   Brazil
2015-06-23 - 22:46 2015-06-23 - 22:46 Carlos Paladini IAG-USP Brazil
2016-02-05 - 15:53 2017-11-24 - 19:57 Camila Martínez Universidad de la Frontera Chile
2015-03-02 - 17:35 2015-03-02 - 19:50 Andres Vernengo IAR Argentina
Number of topics: 41

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