Difference: ACSTrainingCourse (28 vs. 29)

Revision 292014-09-08 - JorgeIbsen

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ACS Workshop for LLAMA

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    1. VMware - default choice
    2. VirtualBox - use it at your own risk
  • Download the CentOS5 virtual machine. These are VMware VM, but can be converted to VirtualBox.
    1. Zipped Cent OS Virtual Machine for VMware
    2. Targezipped Cent OS Virtual Machine for VirtualBox
    1. Zipped Cent OS5 Virtual Machine for VMware
    2. Targezipped Cent OS5 Virtual Machine for VirtualBox
  * Alternatively, there is also a SL5 version of the software. You can skip it this flavour for the time being.
    1. Zipped SL 5.5 Virtual Machine VMware
    2. Targezipped SL 5.5 Virtual Machine for VirtualBox
  • Download the ACS software (note that this is optional, the virtual machines already include a working ACS installation)
    1. Gzipped tar file ACS 2.0 SL5.5
    2. Gzipped tar file ACS 2.0 Extra
    3. Gzipped tar file Sources
    4. Gzipped tar file ACS 4.0 SL5.5
    5. Gzipped tar file ACS 4.0 Extra
    1. Gzipped tar file ACS 2014.2 SL5.5
    2. Gzipped tar file ACS 2014.2 External Products
    3. Gzipped tar file Sources ACS 2014.2
    4. Gzipped tar file ACS 2014.4 SL5.5
    5. Gzipped tar file ACS 2014.4 SL5 External Products


Course instructors:
Name Institution Project
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